December stay at the clinic
After two months, we returned to the clinic for the first week. And we worked up a good sweat! In just 2 months since our last visit, we have added 40 new sickle cell anemia patients to our program and we now have 10 more children with hydroxyurea treatment. We have performed cerebral artery blood flow testing on all new patients. Similarly, children who had abnormal findings on this examination during the summer of this year and required follow-up. We also performed follow-ups on most of our children who are being treated with hydroxyurea and worked with our team of physicians and laboratory staff to adjust the doses of this medication when needed. In total, we examined about one hundred of our patients.
The increase in patients is extraordinary, In the community, information about the great work of our entire team is spreading rapidly, so it is clear that mothers who want the best care for their children come to us every day asking to take their offspring into our care. It is a huge commitment for us. And it's also a big plea to our supporters to help us share the information about the project further. Any help is welcome and much appreciated. If you are interested in supporting or helping us, please get in touch -