
After two months, we returned to the clinic for the first week. And we worked up a good sweat! In just 2 months since our last visit, we have added 40 new sickle cell anemia patients to our program and we now have 10 more children with hydroxyurea treatment. We have performed cerebral artery blood flow testing on all new...

In May 2021, we received a grant for a new ultrasound machine from Novartis Czech Republic. The main purpose of the ultrasound machine is to perform regular examination of blood flow through the cerebral vessels in children with sickle cell anemia.

The traditional method for detecting sickle cell anaemia is the so-called solubility test. However, this test does not distinguish between patients with sickle cell anaemia and mere carriers of the gene for the disease. The solubility test is also a false negative in newborns and young infants. Unfortunately, only very expensive tests such as...

We received a grant from Novartis Czech Republic and purchased a new ultrasound machine. We will use this device to perform preventive monitoring of blood flow through cerebral arteries in patients with sickle cell anaemia. In case of deterioration of this flow, we will be able to intervene early by administering blood transfusions and starting...

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